Christian Religious Education

CRE Information

The CRE (Christian Religious Education)  Program is IHM’s religious education classes for children in grades 1 – 8, in public, private and non-Catholic schools. Through “catechesis”, children learn about the teachings of Christ transmitted by the Apostles to the Church. Because catechesis is the responsibility of the entire faith community, this mission of the Church is entrusted to every baptized Catholic. Bishops, priests and deacons exercise catechetical ministry by ordination. Others, such as the CRE Catechists and Catechist Aides, participate in this responsibility through a commissioning to carry out a specific catechetical activity.

 The CRE Classes (grades 1 – 8) meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00PM at IHM School and run from September to March. Starting at the end of June, CRE Registration becomes available online each year. If your child was in the CRE Program the previous year, you will receive an email with the link to register .

For more information about our CRE 2024-2025 Program, click on the links below:




CRE 2024-25 Calendar


CRE Parent Monitor Information


Volunteer Opportunities


Diocesan Rules & Procedures


The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation Classes (grade 2) are taught in conjunction with the 2nd grade CRE Class.  Please see the TAB titled “Reconciliation/First Holy Communion” for information about registering your child for this sacrament.                                                                                           

Similarly, the Confirmation Preparation Classes (grade 8) are also taught in conjunction with the 8th grade CRE Class. Please see the TAB titled “Confirmation” for information about registering your child for this sacrament.                                                                                                                                               

 For additional information, please contact the Religious Education Office at (302) 762-5550 or email us at

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