
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is normally offered in the 8th grade. All 8th grade students regardless of school or program (meaning Catholic School or CRE Program) are required to attend a preparation program as defined by the Dioceses of Wilmington. Confirmation usually includes Candidate Gatherings, a Sponsor Gathering and a community service component. The Diocese of Wilmington requires that a student who is planning to be confirmed must be enrolled in at least one year of formal religious education immediately prior to preparing for Confirmation and continue to be enrolled during the year in which they will be confirmed.

The sacrament of Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which roots us more firmly into Christ, strengthens our bond with the Church, associates us more closely with her mission, and helps us bear witness to the Christian faith in words and deeds. (CCC#1316)

The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year in our parish, generally during the month of March, by the Bishop of Wilmington. Our parish holds a preparation program for all students in the 8th grade in our parish community, included are CRE students, private academy students and IHM school students. It is a requirement by the Dioceses that all 8th grade students complete this program fully, prior to receiving the sacrament. Any student under the age of 18 may also participate in the preparation program, following an interview with a staff member, in order to be confirmed. This program is in addition to your other Religious Education Program, namely CRE or a Catholic school. 

The fee for Confirmation preparation is $100 per candidate.

The sacrament of Confirmation generally celebrated in our parish during the month of March, but it is movable. Usually Saturday morning at 11am.

The Office of the Bishop chooses the date.

Confirmation Calendar

The complete schedule for the preparation program can be found in the link below.


Confirmation Calendar 2024-2025

Confirmation Registration Link

The registration form for the preparation program can be found on the link below.

 Registration Form Link

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