Social Ministry

Social Ministry Information

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Outreach Office opened on November 13, 1978, the second parish in the diocese to respond to the urgings of the newly formed Diocesan Parish Social Ministry Office of Catholic Charities.

Our first Volunteer Sunday was held to identify parishioners who were interested in reaching out to fellow parishioners in time of need. As parish needs were made known to us, we call upon these men and women volunteers to respond to these needs, taking an emergency meal to a parish family in crisis, or assisting a bereaved family at the death of a loved one.

Outreach also “reaches out” to the greater Wilmington community family in selected situations.

Membership – There is no “formal” membership for Social Ministry but regular attendees at the monthly meeting serve to steer, guide and report on the individual activities. All parishioners interested in participating in any of the ministries please contact the chairperson of that group. Each fall a Volunteer Sunday campaign is conducted at the weekend Masses to enlist new Volunteers.

Meetings – The Social Ministry Committee meets the first Thursday of the month, September through June, at 9:30 AM, in the Convent Dining Room. Individual sub-committees meet as needed. Fr. John T. Solomon serves as spiritual moderator for the group

Contact – The Parish office for the current chairperson. 302-764-0357

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